
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

1.Introduction of the Analysis "She Said Yes."

"She said yes." A book by Misty Bernall which tells the life of a young daughter at a young age was a victim of the Columbine massacre. The overall purpose of this analysis is not only to explain a little about the massacre of Columbine but also how we can encourage our students to read the book so that they feel identified with the book, the intention is to encourage reading outside class and into the class and just as the students identify themselves with the different chapters, the book as it seeks to reach the hearts of all teens who read, presenting the life of Carrie. The analysis was carried out after analyzing several group meetings and reading the book to provide opinions and views to gain a more general and based the book in order to perform the analysis. The scope that we as a group was just like working in a group regardless of the adversity we had either distance or time equally affected us one way or another does not have an analysis in a book or internet but it helped us to study more a book.

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